
Meet Lisa

Meet Lisa Cavender

Transformational life and success coach, Lisa Cavender is an international speaker, author and CEO of Innergy Ltd., a company dedicated to empowering people to create meaningful change in all facets of their lives.

Lisa is a co-author of The Secret to Wealth, Vol. II with Brian Tracy. Lisa shared the stage at the recent Wealth Mastery event in Ottawa, Canada with Jack Canfield, co-creator of the New York Times Best Selling Chicken Soup for the Soul® Series, Kevin Harrington, the original Shark from Shark Tank and Founder of Private Investment Club, Sunil Tulsiani and spoke on the topic of “How to Build Your Self Worth to Grow Your Net Worth”.

As a certified facilitator of The Passion Test™: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood, for adults, as well as children and teens, Lisa guides individuals to discover their passion.

With her own effective, individualized coaching system, Lisa helps people who are struggling to eradicate their own limiting beliefs, take the courageous and confident first steps towards a life of purpose, and finally realize their most significant personal and business goals.

As a practical and intuitive coach, she has devoted her career to giving others the support, tools and techniques they need to live a fulfilling, abundant and balanced life of their design. She has worked with C-suite executives, entrepreneurs, women in leadership, working moms, teens and many others. She has offered transformational life advice who are going through transitions like a career change, family crisis or divorce.

A graduate of the Richard Ivey School of Business, Lisa is also a CPA, an accomplished entrepreneur and the proud mother of two teenage daughters. She has been studying, teaching and utilizing private wealth management, personal development, high performance strategies, meditation and energy work since 1994. Originally from Toronto, Canada, she has lived for over two decades in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands.


Sunil Tulsiani of Private Investment Club in Toronto, Canada interviews Lisa Cavender in April 2020 to discuss thriving during COVID-19 and beyond.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a life of more clarity, purpose and abundance?

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